Who We Are


The Sisters are women who have taken vows to commit themselves to Christian values. They wish to live a life both spiritual and practical, which drives them to serve the sick, the older person and the less fortunate in our society. Through this practical care the love of Christ is shared.

The Sisters of St Anne serve the Lord by teaching catechesis to all ages.

To join the Sisters desire to serve Christ is essential, but your age and qualifications are not important as all training can be provided.

If you join the Sisters, you will live in one of the small communities but the first step is to make a call to discuss your desire. There's no obligation and it's possible to arrange a short stay for you to experience what religious life is like for you.

Each 'house' has its own apostolate.

Come & See

There is an open invitation to come and see for yourself and experience the life of the sisters in Wimbledon in an informal way.


The Sisters of St Anne work for the Lord through pastoral care, with an option for the poor and catechesis for all ages.

Do you feel called to this kind of ministry?
